Jeffrey D. 林

Louisa and Robert Miller Professor of Humanities

One of the things I most appreciate about teaching at Harvey Mudd College is that I can bring my developing interests into the classroom and explore them with creative and exceptionally able students. I teach courses on a wide range of topics: An Introduction to Middle English Literature; Shakespeare; The Land and American Literature; Print and American Culture.  In recent years I’ve enjoyed team teaching with stimulating colleagues in Media and Democracy (with Professor 瑞秋Mayeri), 狄更斯, 哈代, and the 维多利亚时代 (with Professor Jim Eckert), and Building Los Angeles (with Professor Dan Petersen).

My research examines nineteenth-century American 印刷 and publishing history. I have co-edited and contributed to two volumes in this area: Perspectives on American Book 历史 (2002; co-edited with Scott E. Casper and Joanne D. Chaison)和 A 历史 of the Book in America, Volume 3: The Industrial Book, 1840–1880 (2007; co-edited with Scott E. 斯蒂芬·W·卡斯珀. Nissenbaum, and Michael Winship). The latter was awarded the inaugural St. Louis Mercantile Library Prize in American Bibliography in 2008.

My interest in nineteenth-century 印刷 history has led me to take up letterpress 印刷, and I currently offer a workshop in that topic every semester.  Using four nineteenth-century iron hand presses housed in the Claremont Colleges Library, my students learn the basics of typesetting, 印刷, 和绑定, a process that allows them to think practically about the relationship between art and technology.


(请参阅 保险公司 Departmental Courses for this semester’s courses.)

  • ART 060 HM Workshop in Hand Press Printing
  • EA 174 HM Building Los Angeles
  • LIT 104 HM An Introduction to Middle English Literature
  • LIT 107 HM Fourteen Poems: Intro to Poetry / Special Topics in Literature
  • LIT 117A HM 狄更斯, 哈代, & 维多利亚时代