DMCA Network Policy

When Harvey Mudd College (HMC) receives notice of alleged copyright infringement by an HMC student, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) agent will send notification to the student’s HMC provided email address, with copies to the Dean of 学生, the Chief Information Officer, the Computing and Information Services (CIS) Associate Network Manager, the Chair of the Disciplinary Board, and the DMCA agent for HMC.

For the first notification, the student will be asked to check their system and make certain it is not offering to others the specified file(s) or any other file containing copyrighted material that they do not have the copyright owner’s permission to offer. They will be given 24 hours to acknowledge compliance with this request. If the student complies with this notice, then a record will be kept of the incident, but no further actions will be taken.

If after 24 hours the student has not responded or has not resolved the issue to the satisfaction of the DMCA agent, the DMCA agent will direct the Associate Network Manager to disconnect the student’s system(s) from the campus network. The DMCA agent will act as plaintiff for the college and contact the Chair of the Disciplinary Board to consider appropriate charges.

For a second notification, the student’s system(s) will be disconnected immediately from the campus network, and the Chair of the Disciplinary Board contacted without prior notice to the student.

Approved by the HMC Computing Committee on October 26, 2005